Friday, October 19, 2007
falling deeper
Jeffery called and said to meet him at Babette’s café, a French restaurant in Atlanta noted for its romantic ambiance and good food. I got there just in time, and he was already waiting. Looking incredibly good in chocolate slacks and a chocolate cashmere pullover, with chocolate loafers, this man had style. I was so glad I had put on my dark rinse dolce and gabbana jeans, a find in a size 14. These jeans make my hips and thighs look more Beyonce and less Monique. I topped it with a bustier style camisole and tie front cardigan. As soon as he saw me, he started to walk towards me. I tried my best to walk extra sexy in my casadei stiletto booties, which I’d found on clearance from
When I got close enough he pulled me into his arms and kissed me on my mouth. If the date had ended right there and then the kiss would have been enough. I don’t know where I found the self control to act like a lady and go into the restaurant and start and finish the date. We walked in and were immediately seated.
Jeffrey perused the menu like a pro, and then when the waiter came he conversed easily in French. He ordered in French and even picked out the wine to go with our meal. It was an exercise in elegance, even though I knew that it was probably all for my benefit. If Titi were here she would be chanting “Effects!” It was so obvious he was clearly trying to affect me with his sophistication. I knew his moves were probably game but I also knew I wanted to play.
We talked about everything under the sun: politics in Nigeria, love in America and yes, sex. He seemed to be amazed at the easy way I spoke about sex. According to him, most girls he knew acted all ‘holier than thou’ when it came to sex. I smiled; that used to be me. In fact I was a virgin till twenty three. I know, either way its crazy. To have held out that long, or to have given up and not waited till marriage. Such is my life, stuck in the middle and you know what’s even crazier? I didn’t give up my virginity to some man I thought was the love of my life. No, it was some random dude I dated for a short while after college. I just got so conflicted about my faith and everyone I knew was having sex, even some members of the church I used to attend then. I felt like I was behind and backwards and just wanted to get it over and done with. So I did. Since then, it's like I am not the same person. As far as my faith is concerned, well I believe in principle but I don’t know if you could say I am living as a Christian. To be completely honest well, when I looked over at Jeffrey, I was glad I had rid myself of any such restrictions, because clearly a man like him would not have a relationship where sex wasn’t involved and I was so ready to have a relationship with him.
He told me about his business in Nigeria. He had set up a law practice and was dabbling in Oil and gas. Clearly he had been quite successful, but his present sabbatical was not just to further his intellectual education but to take a break from the life he had and explore new options. When he said that he had a twinkle in his eye and reached over and touched my hand, and that was when the conversation really got hot and heavy.
Posted by Naija Babe ::
10:07 PM ::

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